Men’s Divorce Rights in Alberta

Answers to common queries related to men’s divorce rights in Alberta when it comes to assets, spousal support and deciding on child parenting time.

What is a Postnuptial Agreement?

In general, a postnuptial agreement is the same as a prenuptial agreement except you enter into it after you’re already married.

Watch: Charles Fair on Family Law Cases

Do You Need To Protect Your Children, Property Or The Life You Know? Fair Legal recognizes that the breakdown of an important personal / family relationship can be difficult emotionally, financially, physically and in some cases even traumatic. We work with our clients to find the best resolution possible in a difficult situation.

Watch: Can You Get Spousal Support after Separating?

Calgary Lawyer Charles Fair, founder of Fair Legal, addresses a frequently asked question about your options to get spousal support after separating. Do not underestimate your situation to get financing through the divorce and afterwards.